Our Clergy

Rabbi Ben Freed

Rabbi Ben Freed

Rabbi Ben Freed is thrilled to be a part of the wonderful Keneseth Israel community. His rabbinic work is guided by his commitment to engagement with Jews of all backgrounds, an innovative approach to Jewish learning and ritual, and bringing out the joy inherent to Jewish practice. He is passionate about sharing stories that deepen our connection to each other and our tradition.. Rabbi Freed was ordained at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York where he also earned an M.A. in Jewish Thought. Through the prestigious Gladstein Fellowship in Entrepreneurial Rabbinic Leadership, Rabbi Freed served as the student rabbi of Congregation Agudath Achim in Little Rock, Arkansas for two years and was a rabbinic intern at the Conservative Synagogue Adath Israel of Riverdale, New York and at Kehilat Ramot Zion in Jerusalem. He also has completed extensive training in pastoral care through the University of Michigan Hospitals and in community organizing through JOIN for Justice. Prior to rabbinical school, Rabbi Freed earned degrees in journalism and Middle Eastern studies from the University of Texas and worked as a reporter, yoga instructor, Uber driver, and Bar Mitzvah DJ.

Cantor Sharon Hordes

Cantor Sharon Hordes

Cantor Sharon Hordes received a Bachelor of Music degree in Vocal Performance from Indiana University School of Music. She received her cantorial training through a joint program established by the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and Gratz College. In June 2002, she became the first cantor to become invested through the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College. Cantor Hordes served as cantor at Ramat Shalom in Plantation, Florida for six years. She relocated to Louisville, Kentucky — the hometown of her husband, George Schuhmann — to teach Hebrew & Judaica at Eliahu Academy. She became the cantor of KI in 2008. Cantor Hordes performed at both of Mayor Greg Fisher’s interfaith services in honor of his inaugurations. Cantor Hordes recorded her debut solo album of Ladino and traditional Sephardic music, Mi Coraçon Sopira, in 2015. She and her band, Transito, have performed at a variety of venues in the greater Louisville area. Her CD is available for purchase through the Keneseth Israel gift gallery. Cantor Hordes is a member of the Cantors Assembly and the Women Cantors Network and just finished up a term serving on their board. She has also served on the board of the National Council of Jewish Women, Louisville section and is currently on the board of the Kentucky Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice (KRCRC).

Rabbi Beth Jacowitz Chottiner

Rabbi Beth Jacowitz Chottiner

Temple Shalom has been under the strong, friendly and caring leadership of Rabbi Beth Jacowitz Chottiner since July 1, 2016, at that time becoming only the second full-time rabbi to lead Temple Shalom. Ordained at Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati in 2007, she assumed a pulpit in Wheeling, West Virginia (also named Temple Shalom), which she held until joining us in Louisville. Rabbi Jacowitz Chottiner counts youth education, worship and ritual innovation, adult education, community involvement and interfaith activities among her many interests.

Cantor David Lipp

Cantor David Lipp

Cantor David Lipp of Congregation Adath Jeshurun loves teaching, inspiring and helping everyone from Preschool to Nursing Home (and everywhere in between) expand knowledge and develop mastery in Jewish musical skill and experience. He's served AJ for 27 years and constantly endeavors to improve his own abilities and increase his knowledge in both secular culture as well as Jewishly specific areas of musical, textual and artistic pursuit. He was born in Madi­son, Wis­con­sin, and grew up in Jerusalem, Haifa, and Min­neapo­lis. Before embark­ing on a career as a can­tor, David Lipp was an actor per­form­ing in local and regional the­atre and music com­edy in the Mid­west. He grad­u­ated Summa Cum Laude with a Bach­e­lor of Music degree in Vocal Per­for­mance from the Uni­ver­sity of Min­nesota and received a Mas­ters of Sacred Music degree from the Can­tors Insti­tute of the Jew­ish The­o­log­i­cal Seminary.